Pudgie Revolution

Pie Iron Cookin' for Food Lovin' Campers

About Us


Liv Svanoe would rather be cooking. She started making pudgie pies as a young Girl Scout and it was love at first taste. She has been honing her skills of pudgery ever since. A devoted pudgie pioneer, she won’t rest until happy campers everywhere have discovered the joy of pudgery. She loves to camp, kayak, and create new and exciting campfire cuisine.

Carrie Simon would rather be camping. She sleeps in a tent as often as she can and it’s never enough. At home, she grows vegetables and turns them into creative culinary concoctions. Self-proclaimed foodie and burgeoning locavore, there’s no place she’d rather be cooking than in the great outdoors. These two loves collide in the pudgie pie!

Jared Pierce would rather be eating. He gets hungry traversing the Wisconsin wilderness and nothing satisfies him more than a piping hot pudgie straight off the press. He comes from a long line of avid outdoorsmen and eating enthusiasts, and has spent years perfecting his campfire cooking expertise.

2 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Just wanted to let you know that we have introduced your Pudgie Pie cookbook to people at our church in Salt Lake City, UT. We have had 2 get togethers with the first being, “International” and using all the international recipes in your book and the second was “Breakfast”. Tomorrow will be our final one of “American”—which, unfortunately, do not include the WI section. (I tried to keep it simple for the Utah people as I had to explain what a pudgie pie even was!)
    Your book is great and so creative!
    My pineapple upside down cake version is a little easier than yours. I use crescent rolls for each side with pineapple tidbits, brown sugar, and butter for the inside. The first night I created it, I had way too many as they were so good.
    Thanks again for the awesome cookbook. (my daughter bought it for a Christmas present and it has been well used and treasured!)
    Faith York
    I last lived in Fort Atkinson for 27 years and 3 members of my immediate family are UW-W graduates!


    • Faith: Wow! We are honored that you have used our cookbook for your pudgie parties! We love the idea of having a pudgie party with a theme. Thanks for helping to spread the word (and taste) about pudgie pies in Utah! Also, we will have to try your pineapple cake recipe–ours is admittedly complicated and we would love to simplify it. Thank you for sharing! We all grew up in Whitewater so we are well-acquainted with Fort. Thanks for your comment and kind words about our cookbook–it means a lot! –Carrie, Jared, and Liv


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